Today I will tell you a bit more about bitcoins.
A few days ago I wrote about bitcoins and why at the moment this coin is worth more than gold. After this post, I have received many questions such as: What is it? What things can be paid? How do I invest? How do I get them? Thanks to these comments I decided to extend this information more, and this is what I bring to answer these questions.
What is it?
Bitcoin is a decentralized electronic currency, created in 2009 by who has become known as Satoshi Nakamoto. The software devised by Nakamoto uses cryptography to provide primordial security functions, such as ensuring that bitcoins can only be spent by their owner, and never more than once.
What things can be paid now with Bitcoins?
Bitcoin is a completely virtual currency, and therefore the place where it is most used is obviously Internet, many websites accept Bitcoin in exchange for their services, such as the purchase of domains or VPN.
However, there are more traditional companies that have dared to accept the Bitcoin in their monetary transactions through the Internet, such as Victoria Secret, the famous female underwear brand in the world decided to join this world of bitcoins. So there are also many food and service companies on the Internet that allow you to use the virtual currency.
In any case, if you are interested in paying with your bitcoins in real life there are also web pages where you can check which shops accept them in your city.
How can I buy and sell Bitcoins?
One way to get bitcoins is by personally dealing with the seller. There are also several sites on the Internet that allow you to buy Bitcoins safely. Remember that it is real money so you must have other currencies at the time of the transaction. Although there are many people and companies engaged in the sale and purchase of bitcoins, you should keep in mind the security they provide and make it the best exchange rate for bitcoins in the market so you do not run any kind of risk.
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